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Our philosophy is to welcome everyone with open arms to contribute to the cause.
The single, most important goal of commencing this initiative was to help people, and we are more than happy to receive help to offer help. Over the years, we have gained the Trust of thousands of individuals in the pursuit of helping the needy.

Arthur Ashe famously said, “Trust has to be earned and should come only after the passage of time.” and we one hundred percent uphold the idea. We genuinely believe that Trust eventually is gained through your actions and with time. Our sincere efforts towards developing the proper infrastructure for those in need have provided people with confidence in Annadata Charitable Trust. They say that nothing is ever achieved without the unwavering support of your own people, and we cannot agree more. We have performed up to the mark only because the right people believed in us and our intent solely remains to serve people.

We are grateful to have received the encouragement of eminent individuals. They have been truly instrumental in easing up the process and paving a path for us that leads us to our destination. Going ahead, we intend to build a state that never compromises over the most basic necessities. We are pushing our boundaries to make our nation self-reliant and independent through education, funding, and creating a plenitude of opportunities for the young.


We are utterly thankful to every person who has been a part of this journey, but we still have a long distance to cover. We encourage more people to join us in this pursuit of helping individuals in the rural parts of the state. We would like you to participate and be a part of the change.


We have been beyond grateful to have received a boost and support from people all across the country. Many corporates have stepped forward to contribute their bit towards our movement to help people. Sometimes, we do not receive enough from individuals in donations and charity to fund our needs, but many companies always back us up as and when required. Many of these corporate entities fulfil their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with us, which collectively benefits society.


Ever since we started this charitable trust, many companies have supported us financially and helped us serve people. Fortunately we never had to cut on our resources earlier to provide to our people, but with them in tow we are all the more empowered

A single person cannot contribute as much as a corporate entity can, considering their extensive operations. The latter can easily fund many trusts and foundations to add to the betterment of society and brighten up the lives of many. We have received corporate donations in abundance, and we encourage more companies to fulfil their responsibility and join hands with us to embark on this progressive journey.


Trusts & Foundations

There is a famous quote by Roy T. Bennett, “Keep your promises and be consistent. Be the kind of person others can trust.” We absolutely stand by this principle to constantly put our best foot forward and reach as many people as we could.

Our work is the testimony of our pure intention to help others who do not have enough privileges to lead a life they desire. We help them build their lives by giving them the basicities of life, and then, through their hard work and passion for life, they rise gloriously to lead a sustainable, happy life.

We have been fortunate enough to have had the best companions along our way to share this beautiful journey of GIVING. The power of unconditional service is shared by our fellow trusts and foundations, which are actively working towards the betterment of society. We have been constantly in contact with these successful foundations that create change every day and are doing exceptional work to change.

These trusts and foundations have been pivotal in shaping Annadata Charitable Trust. We have received immense support, financially and otherwise, from these promising organisations and are forever indebted to them for helping us achieve milestones, one after the other.

If your trust or foundation is working towards building a society that homes independent individuals, please contribute and get in touch with us.


There’s no better joy than the joy of giving. We believe that serving others is serving your inner self and nourishing your soul to become a better person every day.

A very popular saying goes, “What goes around, comes around.” and we completely think that it is true. Your good deeds always leave you with a treasure of fortunes and luck and what you give others comes back to you in one form or another.

In addition to this, our charitable Trust stands strong due to our four ethical pillars, TRUST, HONESTY, KINDNESS, and SERVICE. We build upon these values and aim to provide the needy with the best of our capabilities. We are blessed for the excellent team of volunteers who work tirelessly to stay as helpful to the underprivileged as they could. However, we always welcome people who want to volunteer with us in our mission to serve the state. We invite you to join us in this revolutionary movement where we have set out to help as many lives as possible to save as many families as possible.